Our units

Our units

Infrastructure at the service of scientific communities

LiPH4SAS is a distributed research infrastructure (RI) which aims to provide the French and European scientific communities with the tools and services enabling them to answer the research questions posed by the transformation of livestock farming towards more sustainable systems, based on principles of agroecology and respect for animal welfare in production animals.

To achieve its objectives, LiPh4SAS brings together the resources and skills of 10 INRAE entities. Seven of these entities are experimental units (service units dedicated to agronomic experimentation) and are labeled as Collective Scientific Infrastructures (ISC) by INRAE. They therefore comply with the Institute's infrastructure charter (IR Charter, in the same way as the IBISA platforms).

LIPH4SAS brings together the means and skills of:

  • Four experimental units dedicated to ruminants (HERBIPÔLEUEPPAOP3R) ;
  • Two porcine experimental units (3PGENESI) ;
  • An experimental unit (PEIMA) and an experimental installation (IE NUMEA) for fish farming;
  • A functional exploration platform dedicated to medium to large format animals (PIXANIM) ;
  • A network of computer scientists in charge of data management and the development of phenotyping tools (SICPA).

LIPH4SAS brings together seven INRAE experimental units (UE) and installation (IE) spread over the national territory, six of which are integrated into European infrastructures (AquaExcel - PigWeb - SmartCow), as well as a functional exploration platform (Pixanim) and an entity structured in CATI, in charge of data management and the development of phenotyping tools (SICPA).









The infrastructure also has privileged links with other research infrastructures:

Liens avec autres IR

Modification date: 23 August 2023 | Publication date: 24 October 2022 | By: ML