

LIPH4SAS brings together seven INRAE experimental units (UE) and one installation (IE) spread over the national territory, six of which are integrated into European infrastructures: AquaExcel, PigWeb and SmartCow.


Aquaexcel2020 - AQUAculture Infrastructure for EXCELLENCE in European Aquaculture Research

AQUAEXCEL is a European Infrastructure-type project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program. With 22 partner institutions, this project aims to integrate, on a European scale, key infrastructures in aquaculture research with the aim of promoting their coordinated use and development.

                                                      Website - Aquaexcel 


PigWeb - Experimental research infrastructure for sustainable pig production

                                                     The project started on March 1, 2021. The objective of the project is to strengthen the swine research community by providing and facilitating access to research infrastructure, to strengthen a culture of cooperation between the research community and the industrial and societal players, and to improve and integrate the services provided by research infrastructures.

                                                      Website - PIGWEB


SmartCow - Integrated infrastructure to increase research and innovation capacity in the European beef sector

The SmartCow project started on February 1, 2018 for 4 years and brings together 14 partners across Europe. SmartCow integrates key bovine research infrastructures in Europe, in order to promote their coordinated use and development and thus help the bovine sector to meet the challenge of sustainable production.

                                                    Website - SmartCow

Modification date: 23 August 2023 | Publication date: 14 October 2022 | By: ML